Aside from my wedding and portrait work, I am also an experienced commercial photographer. Whether you're an individual looking for a professional headshot for your business, a group or event looking for coverage, or a company in need of professionally lit, flawless studio product photos, Neil Simmons Photography will exceed your expectations. Please contact me for more information and rates.


headshotsheadshots   foodfood architecturearchitecture
  modelsmodels   biz-lifelifestyle artart reproduction




Commercial Clients

Bargetto Winery

Bellows Plumbing

Bucci Sunglasses

Chaminade Resort

​Damselfly Designs

​Dance Synergy

El Palomar Cafe

Homeless Garden Project

Monterey Bay Alt. Med.

Pulse Shower Spas

Santa Cruz Waves

Silicon Valley Faces​

Vannerus Mortgage




Jackson Wyoming Commercial Photographer, Jackson Wyoming Commercial Photography, Jackson Wyoming Product Photography, Jackson Wyoming Product Photography,   Jackson Wyoming Head Shot Photographer

Idaho Falls Commercial Photographer, Idaho Falls Product Photography, Idaho Falls Head Shot Photographer

Star Valley Wyoming Commercial Photographer.   Star Valley Wyoming Head Shot Photographer